Install Linux On Android
Hello,visitor. Here I"ll show you how to install Linux on your android.
So lets begin.
* I am not responsible if anything happened to your android device.even though its a safe process.
*Your device must be rooted and should have at least 80% charge.(how to root)
Now lets start doing it step by step.
Step 1: open busy box and click install libraries.
-this will help us to interact with android.
Step 2: Install terminal emulator and open.
Step 3: open terminal emulator and grant root permission.
To give permission type "su". and press enter.
now the dollar($) sign changes to hash(#).
download the script and the ubuntu system
Step 4: connect your mobile to your PC.
Step 5: Now create a folder on your sdcard named "Ubuntu".
Step 6: Now download this two file.
* img file .
* sh file.
Step 7: now open them and paste it into ubuntu file which you have created in step 5.
you are almost complete.
now the actual process comes.
running ubuntu on your system
Step 8: open terminal emulator again and type following comments.
* CD /mnt/sdcard
* cd /ubuntu
* sh
Step 9: Enter resolutions.
600 x 400 is a proper format.
Step 10 : All done now Linux is running.
you cant see see it you must use AndroidVnc.
nickname: user.
password: ubuntu.
address: local host
press you have completed.
let me know what are your issues,so you can openly comment here.
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